Enuresis Treatment folk methods
Traditional medicine has recipes for the treatment of any disease, and bedwetting as well. Moreover, complex disease in people enuresis never considered. Very often, for the treatment of enuresis traditional methods used Agrimony pharmacy. It has a soothing, astringent, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Often it is used also in diseases of the stomach and other organs of the urogenital system. From the seeds of pharmacy Repeshko wine tincture prepared for it in a liter of dry red wine added to 40 grams of seeds and insist within two weeks. This infusion take three times a day before meals with 50 grams for two weeks, then you need to make a week break and repeat the reception. Traditional medicine promises that then passes enuresis, micturition reflex is getting better.
For the treatment of enuresis traditional methods can also use a decoction of dill. To prepare the broth should be taken two tablespoons of dried fennel seeds and pour half a liter of boiled water for four hours. This is necessary to drink a decoction of two doses before meals. The course of treatment two weeks in broth, you can add honey. Usually, a period of time sufficient for the healing of enuresis.
Also, traditional medicine offers the use eggshells for the treatment of enuresis. To do this, prepare the balls with a shell and honey, they can be used for the treatment of enuresis in children. To prepare them to grind clean egg shell and add to it the same amount of honey, and then form beads of about 2 centimeters. Such balls should be eaten for 4 days. The course of treatment of enuresis eggshell lasts one month, the result is noticeable in children as early as two weeks after the start of the reception.