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Treatment enuresis 

Enuresis Treatment is prescribed by the urologist after the diagnosis of the disease and to identify its causes, identifying the species and its current form. Enuresis is treated comprehensively.

The first patient is prescribed a drinking mode, liquid intake for 2 hours before sleep is not recommended. But care should be taken so that during the day the child receives the right amount of liquid for his weight and age. Depending on the causes of enuresis are assigned hormonal therapy, soothing or for the restoration of the urinary system. It should be noted that on their own without consulting a urologist and diagnose enuresis can not be treated.


It is very important in the treatment of enuresis is to maintain mental and emotional health of the child. You can never blame him for having urination during sleep. It only increase the patient a sense of shame and inferiority. It is necessary to fully support the child during this period, try to distract him from this problem and relates calmly and with understanding not control urination at night. The less stress during the day the patient is, the calmer his sleep at night. It is important to spend a lot of time in the fresh air and give the child positive emotions. Drinking regime for 2-3 hours before bedtime should be limited.

In the treatment of enuresis are very effective training of the bladder, which helps to produce the micturition reflex and to increase the amount of urine that is able to keep patient. If you find the right approach to the patient and explain the need for the treatment of enuresis, these comprehensive measures give positive and healing come enuresis.

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